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点击次数:612 更新时间:2024年01月25日21:29:59 打印此页 关闭

        近日,王绎龙在社交媒体公布将用自己的国际ID Elong Wong与俄罗斯著名电子音乐人ALEXEMELYA合作了一首G-House作品,并且这首G-House电音单曲将会在俄罗斯最大的电音厂牌发行。G-House全称Ghetto House,是Deep House大家族中的一员,G-House以浓厚的诽谤氛围被粉丝们亲切的称呼为“最狠的House音乐”,G-House从2018年以来开始风靡全球,尤其是近几年在Tiktok上风靡,成为了所有狠角色出场时必备的BGM。而提到G-House就一定不能不提俄罗斯这个寒冷的国度了,世界上众多G-House制作人都出自于俄罗斯这个战斗民族,他们的G-House就像他们的气候一样冷酷,而提到俄罗斯的G-House就不得不提俄罗斯著名电音制作人ALEXEMELYA的代表作之一《Sueta》,这首G-House作品风靡全球各大音乐媒体,并在短视频平台流量颇丰。这一次,Elong Wong与ALEXEMELYA合作到底会擦出什么样的火花,中俄合作的G-House究竟是什么样的感觉呢?我们拭目以待吧... ...

Wang Yilong recently announced on social media that he will use his international ID Elong Wong to collaborate with famous Russian electronic musician ALEXEMELYA on a G-House song, and the G-House single will be released on Russia's largest electronic sound label. G-House, whose full name is Ghetto House, is a member of the Deep House family. G-House is affectionately known as "the ruthless House music" by fans with a strong defamatory atmosphere. G-House has been popular all over the world since 2018, especially on Tiktok in recent years, and has become a necessary BGM for all tough characters to appear on stage. When it comes to G-House, we have to mention Russia, a cold country. Many G-House producers in the world come from Russia, a fighting nation, and their G-House is as cold as their climate. When it comes to Russian G-House, we have to mention "Sueta", one of the masterpieces of Russia's famous electroaudio producer ALEXEMELYA, which is popular in major music media all over the world. And a lot of traffic on the short video platform. This time, what kind of spark will be produced by the cooperation between Elong Wong and ALEXEMELYA, and what is the feeling of the G-House of Sino-Russian cooperation? Let's wait and see.

上一条:王绎龙2.24西安演唱会大麦网抢票已开启 下一条:王绎龙转型以制作人身份开通国际ID发布G-House作品